Come Visit
All are welcome to come to the Gurdwara (Sikh Temple). However, there are certain protocols that must be adhered when visiting
One must appropriately cover his/her head; a scarf or a large handkerchief is regarded as preferable to a hat or a cap for a non-turbaned visitor. Most Gurdwaras (including ours) have a free supply of suitable scarves, which may be borrowed during the visit.
A visitor must take off his/her shoes and place them on the racks or space provided at the entrance.
Under No circumstances should any visitor have in their possession any tobacco products, alcoholic drinks or drugs; he/she should not have consumed any, or be under its influence, at the time of the visit.
It is obligatory for every Sikh, young and old, to show the utmost respect to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Our Sacred Scriptures) on approaching the throne (Manji Sahib) in the Darbar (The Guru’s Court) we bow down on our knees, touching the floor with their foreheads. However, it is regarded as dignified for a non-Sikh visitor to show respect to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji by bowing, or standing still for a second and then moving away with a respectful nod.
We can provide guided tours to anyone who wishes to develop an understanding of the Sikh code of conduct and ethos of Sikh philosophy. Sikhi offers a distinct prospective to life and humanity by observing that we all belong to that Great Universal Being who is without form and shape.
Please speak to the office if you would like a guided tour. We already do these for Schools colleges and Universities.